Winter Blues - Covid Style
Feeling blue,
I see you,
Crying in the corner hoping not to be seen,
Struggling to work out - what this year has been,
To wrap our minds around another lockdown,
To not see the Christmas lights flash in our home town,
The loved ones we miss,
The calm & the bliss,
The news an endless cycle to feed our anxious mind,
Often feeling in a fog & blind,
For now all we can do,
Is focus on powering through,
You are doing all you can do,
Please be PROUD OF YOU,
For the season that is fast approaching please support local as much as you can,
They need you more than ever to be their biggest fan,
Pick up the phone & make that call,
Don't allow yourself into the dark hole to fall,
There is a friend,
Always willing to fix that broken heart & have it on the mend,
You are not alone we are in this to together,
The storms we do weather,
Make us stronger every day,
More than we can ever really explain anyway,
Send yourself a letter,
How you were a go-getter,
Through the rough times you still battled through,
I see you,
You are doing great,
Have a little more faith in fate,
Life is a mystery & right now we are the plot twist,
Don't let it affect that bucket list,
Hold that heart close even when you are far apart,
Inside you were never far apart.