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OH MY WORD. What a way to kick start the month. With a tweet from @_feedspot  congratulating me on Chronic But Iconic being in the Top 20 podcasts on the web and a MUST FOLLOW IN 2019.

NOT TO MENTION I AM 6TH ON THE LIST. This is just another level crazy to me. My Mum inspired me to begin this podcast back in March this year and although I am not a professional & didn't know much about podcast creation it goes to show that if you have passion, a purpose and dedication you can make anything a success. I have been honoured and delighted to interview the most inspiring & empowering chronic illness warriors out there. Many of whom are my close friends & who I love dearly. I didn't want my podcast solely to be focused on Lyme but chronic illness across the board because there is so many aspects of chronic illness that over-lap or people can relate to. I hope I have succeed in this goal. I am beyond lucky. BEYOND LUCKY. You have all been so amazingly supportive from the beginning and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have been blessed with the most empowering guests who have added sparkle to series 1 & 2. Series 2 may only have two episodes left before I break from Christmas, New Year & my birthday BUT series 3 will be back in 2020. There has been a lot of times when I have doubted myself. Worrying about maybe I am not providing the content that people wanted to see and hear. Always focusing on perfection, got me no where. I realised that you just have to be YOU. People follow us because they want to follow our journeys, they are interested in what we have to say or write. When you take the stress & worry of being hung up over things not seeming perfect or doubting that your content is as good as such-a-bodies because you are caught up in a vicious cycle of comparisons it is like a massive weight gets lifted.

I put out & create the content I want to put out into the world. What I enjoy creating and where may passions stem from. I am not perfect and  am not a professional. I do my best, I put my heart and soul into my work, it is full of passion and I have a mission to help others in any which way I can. That's all I can ever ask of myself and to be recognised has just made my month. HAND ON MY HEART. Amazing to me. Ever since my swimming, despite all the courses I take, the reading I do, the self-development and learning to be the best and what I work on. I rarely feel like I make a break through like I used to do in swimming. People would enjoy my work & I felt I sat a (good) level but I expected more from myself. I throw myself into my work because I want to be the best I can possibly be. That is the athlete in me. I have a goal to help as many people as I can, with a range of content & I get up every day with that purpose in mind.

YES, it means I am writing out social posts at silly o'clock in the morning, YES, it means I am scheduling blogs, podcast interviews and answering messages throughout the whole day. YES I am watching webinars & taking courses to keep learning. Because I want to be the best person in I can be in the work I put my effort, time & invest into. Would I change my work ethic? Most definitely not. Does it get me into trouble with my health? Most definitely, YES.  I won't look back with disappointment or regret though. Like I don't with my swimming career, I worked hard EVERY SINGLE DAY, I GAVE IT MY ALL & I WAS COMMITTED WHOLEHEARTEDLY. 

The message to this blog is, be you. Celebrate being you. Aim not for perfection, but to be the best version of YOURSELF. It doesn't matter what others are doing, what they may think or the judgements they make. You know the work you put in, you know your passion, you know your goals and mission. THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. Hard work, although ( and I am guilty of PLENTY of these - days when you want to give up as you question , is it all worth it?) But you have to stay strong you have to keep motivated and keep fighting. Reminding yourself that YOU ARE YOUR STRONGEST SUPERPOWER!

You can listen to series 1 & 2 NOW on Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Anchor and Radio Public. STREAM FREE: CHRONIC BUT ICONIC.

I am excited for future, excited about all my projects and ventures. I have so many goals for 2020 that I want to achieve. I need to get to work!

Thank you so much for your support once again, it means the WORLD TO ME. I am buzzing! Let's get to work.

Love alway, 




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